May 2023 adult spotlight update
Missions Discipleship

Spotlight Update: Moses and Beth M. in Senegal

More and more people are coming to faith in Senegal! “We have seen groups of believers stand fast during great persecution,” Beth said.

In one village, a group of believers stood up against the village leaders. The leaders were preparing for a ceremony important in African Traditional Religion. It only happens once a generation and is a rite of passage in a boy’s journey to manhood.

The believers said their sons wouldn’t participate because they had decided to follow Jesus. The whole village was in an uproar, and the families feared the leaders would take their sons and perform the ceremony against their will. Thankfully, God protected them, and the ceremony took place without the believers’ participation.

So many stories exist like this of faithful Christians choosing Jesus over culture, tradition, and even community — which is a huge deal in a communal culture.

Please pray for the Senegalese people:

  • Pray they would come to know Jesus.
  • Pray believers there would stand firm in their faith.
  • Pray the stands they take against persecution would draw even more people to Jesus.