Kick Off Your Children’s IMS: Central Asia with a Progressive Dinner
Do you lead children’s missions discipleship? Do you want to engage the families of children you serve and help them understand more about missions in a fun, casual setting all while getting to know each other too?
The International Mission Study (IMS), produced by WMU in partnership with the International Mission Board, is a great way to introduce more people to how our Southern Baptist missionaries are bringing Christ to the nations.
This year’s IMS focuses on Central Asia, where 99% of the population claim Islam as their religion. The need for prayer for this region is immense, as our missionaries continue their efforts to bring the truth of Jesus to people He loves.
Put a spin on the IMS for the whole family and take it on the road with a progressive dinner!
A progressive dinner is a dinner party where each course is served at a different location, usually the home of a different host. The IMS offers a range of recipes for Central Asian foods, which you can divvy up among several hosts. Recipes for appetizers, main dishes, and desserts are provided in the IMS: Central Asia Children’s Teaching Guide, IMS: Central Asia Children’s Booklet, and IMS: Central Asia Promotion Kit.
At each host home, invite different people to share information from the IMS: Central Asia Children’s Teaching Guide and IMS: Central Asia Children’s Booklet about the region, its culture, and people; the ways in which missionaries are reaching the people for Jesus; and prayer requests for Central Asians. Choose a Central Asian game or craft to try too!
Most of all, spend time getting to know the families and loving them. Listen to them and learn ways you can pray for them or equip them to disciple their children. Pray that the progressive dinner and the IMS study will be seeds planted that encourage them to learn about missions, pray for missions, give to missions, and do missions and tell others about Jesus.
Have fun helping families learn about our Southern Baptist missionaries!
Sarah Murray is the design editor of children’s resources at WMU.