Nov 2022 preschoo devotion
Missions Discipleship

Genuine in Love

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”

—Hebrews 10:23 (NLT)


We cling to what we think is important.

A spouse, children, grandchildren, parents, friends, work, church, a home, retirement funds, good health, and security may all rank at the top of the list for being “cling-worthy.” But as we know, life can change in the blink of an eye. A job is lost, a parent passes away, a daunting health issue strikes our frail body, a disagreement puts a wedge between good friends, a child goes astray, the stock market falls, inflation forces us to stretch our paychecks, a pandemic roars around the world—and suddenly we are left holding the ashes of our dreams.

What a bleak picture!

Or is it?

The only true God loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will live life eternal (John 3:16, 17:1–3). That is God’s promise for you, me, and for everyone. I feel blessed and overflowing with hope each time someone mentions that God cannot and will not break his promises. Eternal life belongs to us because of God’s great love and His perfect gift of Jesus. Love. Genuine love. We can trust that God will love and care for us, no matter what happens, now and throughout eternity.

A quick scan of any news source reveals people without hope or genuine love. So many people are hurting and clinging to temporal and earthly things. We must be ready to share the hope we have in Jesus, tell others of the love He has for us, and give the gift of genuine love, in the name of Jesus, to the people around us.

Let us cling to our hope, Christ Jesus. And be ready to proclaim His love to all—the preschoolers in our Mission Friends class, our family and friends, neighbors, community workers, co-workers, and those we meet along the way. Let us share genuine love so they might receive the gift of Jesus and eternal life.


Father, Thank You for the greatest gift we will ever receive, Your son Jesus. Thank You for giving us hope for the future and a promise of eternal life with You. Fill us to overflowing with Your love so we might generously share it with the people You place in our path. Lead us as we love and teach the preschoolers in our classes, that they may one day choose You as Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Angie Quantrell is the editor for WMU preschool resources.