Nov 2022 student blog
Missions Discipleship

Considering Your Missions Calling

Why am I involved in missions? When I think back, I realize I got involved because it was there. I grew up in church my whole life and at a very young age my parents introduced me to missions.

Why does missions matter to me, though? Why have I become more involved as I have gotten older? I see what God can do when I take part in missions activities. I see firsthand how God can work through a group of Christians that are all working towards a common goal. I see the joy that comes from all parties involved. I see the genuine appreciation from the people that receive help. Missions show Christ’s love to both believers and non-believers.

I’m 17 years old and the world, including Christians, has been extremely divided during the years I have been alive. However, when a group of Christians come together and work with God at the center, they are unified for Christ.

I love God and I want to be a light in a dark world. Not only has God called us to serve those in need, but mission gives a tangible way to see God’s light. God has met my needs time and time again whether they are physical, social, mental, or emotional. I want to do unto others as I would want them to do to me. God has given me all I need. I want to share the extra I have, even if it’s just my time. I think time is an important commodity, and it is quite limited.

Jesus led by example. He met other people’s needs as He told them about God. When people have physical needs that are unmet, it can inhibit their ability to see spiritual needs that need to be met. However, meeting physical needs tangibly shows Jesus’ love. People may not be able to physically see Jesus, but they can see Jesus in us when we take part in missions.

What is your calling in missions?

I believe God calls everyone to missions, but it might look different from person to person. What God calls one person to do may not be the same as what he calls another to do. But God wants all of us to meet others needs and not turn a blind eye when people need help. Everyone can pitch in somehow and work to make Christ known, especially by serving others.

Look for the opportunities to take care of others. Let others know they are appreciated. Look for ways to put others before yourself. Find other people to do missions with. There is power in community and working together.

God has called us to look out for the least of these, people who maybe aren’t applauded by the world or appreciated by others. God knows them and views them all as unique, as they are made in His image. We should treat others better than the world does since we know them as God’s creation and because we know how much He loves them.

When we help those in need, it pushes us to action. This should motivate us to spread the good news that Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth and died on the cross to save us from our sins. We have confidence as Christians and know that God will take care of us. We also have confidence that God can work through us when we are obedient. So, be ready to serve God wherever and whenever He gives you the opportunity. Be alert and open to where God might be leading you to serve.

God has called us to love others as we love ourselves. If we have a need, I think we all would love for others to meet that need. We should do the same for others. Jesus would meet the need of others when He saw them. We should strive to be like Jesus. We are called to live our lives in a manner that glorifies God and our actions should reflect the love God has for us.

When considering your own missions calling, don’t forget to pray about where God wants you to be involved. Consider asking God for opportunities, along with the courage and willingness to follow through. God wants you to further His kingdom and missions is a great avenue to do this. We should be willing to do what God would have you do no matter what the world is pushing you to do.

Grace Carter 2022 Acteens PanelistGrace Carter, a 2022 National Acteens Panelist, is from Harrisburg, North Carolina, and attends University Hills Baptist Church.

Image by John Hain from Pixabay