image devotion
Missions Discipleship

The Gift

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
(John 3:16, NIV)

There were two little girls named Sarah in the after-school program at the church. Each was in fourth grade and they were great friends. They played together every day, inside and outside.

The mother of one of the Sarahs was blind and her daughter was a great help to her. They rode the bus and came to church together and had become friends with the program director.

One afternoon, the director received a call at home that Sarah, whose mother was blind, had broken her arm during a game outside. The director came and took the girl to the hospital, while someone else brought her mom. The doctor set Sarah’s arm and they went home.

When the program opened the next morning, Sarah was there. The other Sarah was there also. When the director came into the room, she saw them playing together as usual. There was one difference though. They were playing a card game. Each was only using one hand. Later they got out glue sticks and craft sticks. They worked together, each using one hand to make a star, which they gave to the director.

When the director asked, Sarah with the unbroken arm said that she wanted to play with one hand just like her friend. The director was struck by the fact that this is exactly what God did for us when He sent Jesus. He gave all He had, Jesus, Who became like us so that we could know God.

God gave all He had for us, His Son Jesus, who became like us and died for us so that we could know Him. This is the greatest example of sacrificial giving we will ever know.

Take time today to stop and consider God’s gift of Jesus Christ. As you reflect, ask yourself what other gifts you have been given and how you can relentlessly and sacrificially give them all back to God. Meditate on the gifts you give as you teach preschoolers about God’s love and missionaries who go out to tell His stories. Give thanks and allow the Lord to lead you in the ways He would have you give back to Him.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:7, ESV)


Dear Father, Thank You for all You have given us. Thank You for the sacrificial gift of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. As we seek to serve You, help us to sacrificially give every part of ourselves—our time, talents, and gifts—back to you. Amen.

Written by Wendy Dever