Michael Traci Byrd
Missions Discipleship

Spotlight Update: Michael and Traci Byrd

As you read about in Day 2 of the Week of Prayer for North American Missions, Michael and Traci Byrd planted their family in North Saint Louis, Missouri, after God gave Michael “a burden to see inner-city churches planted in areas that many turn their backs on.”

In recent months, their church—Faith Community Bible Church—has seen growth both spiritually and numerically.

“While God has really been stretching Faith Community during this pandemic, we have found ways to connect with our members and build community in the process,” Michael said.

Their growth groups have started back up since being shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic. They were also able to feed 185 people at their annual Thanksgiving family dinner and sponsor four families for Christmas.

“While we exist simply to make Christ known in the community by caring for the community, we want to ensure that we continue to not only preach and live the gospel but to be tangible expressions of it as well,” he said.

He and Traci asked for prayer:

  • That God would continue to give them a clear strategy to disciple the saved and evangelize the lost.
  • That they would be able to solidify deeper relationships within their community and find some open doors with their local school district.
  • That God would grow the two church planters they hope to send out in the next 12 to 18 months and the planters would be able to develop teams to reach the lost in the areas they are called to serve.