April 2024 Spotlight Update
Missions Discipleship

Spotlight Update: Kevin and Victoria Singerman in Uganda

The conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, which began April 2023, continues. Every day, refugees arrive in Uganda. Kevin Singerman reported, “Most are trying to make their way in the capital of Kampala, but with high rent prices and no job prospects, it is a difficult situation.”

In crises there always seem to be people who try to take advantage of others. The refugees in Uganda were taken advantage of by two self-serving, self-appointed leaders who were Sudanese refugees themselves.

The refugees were not happy with this situation, and they recently chose one of Kevin’s close friends and colaborers in ministry, a man from Darfur in Sudan, to be their new leader in Uganda. They obviously recognized his genuine concern for them. This man has leveraged his position to help his fellow refugees and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Kevin added, “Recently, ten new refugees came to faith! We are so thankful to see God’s grace in the midst of all the chaos.”

Pray the Sudanese refugees in Uganda would receive the assistance and encouragement they need. Pray more would have an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.

by Donna Fort