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On the Journey

“Only God” Moments

I LOVE “only God” moments. I’ve had many in my life. Becoming a registered dental hygienist, being hired at my dental practice, becoming your president, just to name a few. How people do not believe in prayer, is beyond me and for the believer who doesn’t pray daily . . . I can’t fathom it.

Prayer is powerful! It’s communicating with the Creator of the universe . . . an opportunity to spend time with God, developing a deeper relationship with Him. Prayer is sharing what’s on your heart and mind with a God who longs to hear from you.

Matthew 7:7-8 says: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

On Sunday, an elderly gentleman shared how God had fulfilled Matthew 7:7-8 in his life. He grew up in a Christian family but they had no money. His dad was a tenant farmer in Cadiz, Kentucky. In high school, he decided he wanted a better life. He wanted to go to college. With no money, he enrolled. He lived on bananas and milk until his dorm mates became aware of his plight. And that’s when the miracles began. About once a week, he would return to his room to find a hamburger on his bed . . . only God.

One morning he had no money and no food. He knew he needed to drop out of college and return home, but he prayed. He promised God if He would get him through this, he would always follow Him and if he ever had any money, he would be generous. That very day, inside a letter from an aunt was a $10 bill. That $10 meant more to him than $100,000 today. It kept him from dropping out of college. It would feed him for two weeks . . . only God.

After graduation, he received a NASA fellowship at Perdue University . . . only God. He got to meticulously analyze the soil brought back from the moon by Neil Armstrong. When he graduated from Perdue, he accepted a job at Cal Poly University, the largest agriculture university in the country . . . again, only God. He and his wife joined a small Baptist church there.

Only God moments continued with his second job offer at the University of Missouri, then as head of Agriculture at Western Kentucky University. But, the biggest miracle of all to me was when he was moving into his home here in Bowling Green, there was a knock at the door. A man named Bill dropped by stating his pastor asked him to come by and invite them to church. As Bill asked his story, he shared it and mentioned he was from Cadiz, Kentucky. Bill said, “Wait a minute. You probably know a friend of mine. Several years ago, our family went on a vacation to southern California. On Sunday we went to a small church where I met a man from Cadiz, Kentucky who was a professor.” The man replied, “I remember that exchange. That man was ME.” Only God can do that.

I hope YOU are praying for “Only God” moments in your life. He will meet you there . . . On the Journey.


Written by Linda Cooper