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Missions Discipleship

Badges and Patches: What’s This Extra Piece All About?

Some of you have already noticed that a few of our badges and patches have an additional piece of backing in the plastic bag with them. I’m here to tell you that it may look unimportant to you right now, but your life as a children’s leader is about to change!

What is it?

That glorious piece of paper is actually a new backing for our badges/patches that will help you adhere them to vests and sashes without ironing!

Yes, you read that correctly. Without ironing!

Over the next months, we are rolling out a new backing that adheres to the existing iron-on backing and makes your job of putting badges/patches on vests and sashes so much easier.

No more iron. No more badges/patches falling off because you didn’t heat them all the way through. No more second-guessing if they’re going to stay or not. And all you need is a spoon and a clothes dryer.

Are you serious?

That’s exactly what I said when our partners showed us this new backing. I didn’t believe that I wouldn’t have to iron it on, so I tried it for myself. And it worked.

Why do some badges/patches in my order have the backing and some don’t?

Because we already have thousands of badges/patches in stock, it will take some time to go through and add these pieces to every badge/patch. We are experiencing some delays because of the nature of manufacturing and shipping right now, but we are prayerful those will all subside very soon.

How does this new backing work?

We have a handy instruction guide for you. Download and print it for yourself and the parents in your group. We also have a great instructional video you can share.

What if I like to iron on badges/patches?

Yes, you can still iron on badges/patches. That backing will always be there because the new stuff has to adhere to the iron-on backing. It’s really up to you.

How do you really feel about the new backing, Heather? 

This is a game changer for children’s missions discipleship leaders. You can literally place badges/patches on vests on Wednesday night during your meeting and send the vests home with notes telling parents to throw the vests in the dryer for 15 minutes. Done.

I was overwhelmed when this was presented to us, because I’ve ironed on badges and know the effort it takes to get several new badges in place for several girls. And I know what a relief this product is going to be to our leaders.

Happy recognition season, friends!

Heather Keller is the Girls in Action and Children in Action consultant at national WMU. She has always loved badges and patches, but now she is literally singing about the new backing that makes displaying them so much easier.