May2022 OTJ Who is in Charge image
On the Journey

Who Is in Charge?

It was a civil disagreement but a disagreement nonetheless. Our opinions differed over who was in charge of camp. We were midway through the summer missions camping program, having completed back-to-back camps through June and July, and were in a good rhythm.

A camp staffer asked a question. I remember saying, “I don’t know. Ask Becky. She’s in charge.” Becky turned to me and said, “I’m not in charge. You’re the camp director.” I responded, “I absolutely am not the camp director. You are.” Becky said, “We thought it would be good experience for you to lead this summer.”

I was shocked for two reasons. Who in her right mind would put someone as young as me in charge? Becky had done camp for decades. She knew everything there is to know about camp. She was the leader. I do not remember the exact outcome of the discussion that day. I am confident we kept camp running the very same way we had been doing it for weeks, each pouring our heart and every ounce of our energy into a ministry we cherished.

Without knowing it at the time, that instance nearly four decades ago was one of my earliest lessons in how mission matters most. Having a big title is not important. No matter your role, you lean into ministry. The mission is what is important. When you are all in for the mission, everything else is secondary.

That is one of the things I love about WMU leaders I have observed and served with through the decades. They understand mission matters most. They do not do what they do because they are asked, elected, or appointed. They do it because they believe the world needs to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, and they have a responsibility to take the gospel to the nations. For them, mission really does matter most.

For 134 years, WMU has carried the mantle of the Great Commission while living out the great commandment. We will continue to make disciples of Jesus who live on mission. I am grateful you share in that passion to pursue His mission. Would you consider giving $134 to the Vision Fund through the Mission Matters Most campaign so we may continue to impact every state and 49 countries for His kingdom?

My debt to WMU is incalculable. Through the influence of WMU leaders, I was able to hear and respond to God’s call on my life. My gratitude is enormous. For the generations you have served or will yet serve, I say thank you.

Father, Our desire is that peoples of the earth would have the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel. Thank You for the Vision Fund that allows us to proclaim into the future: the mission matters most. Help us equip, empower, and enable the next generation to take their place in Your plan. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Sandy-Wisdom Martin serves as the executive director/treasurer for national WMU.