Go Forward Together
On the Journey

The Mission Matters Most: Going Forward Together for 136 Years and Counting

I have been reading WMU history. In the early 1900s, a WMU field worker gave women in Illinois a choice of signing pledge cards either for cash or for eggs. More women signed the egg cards rather than the cash cards, and that egg money supported not only missionaries but also WMU’s operating expenses and scholarships.

The Panic of 1907 was a financial crisis in the United States that occurred over a three-week period starting in the middle of October as the New York Stock Exchange fell almost 50 percent from its peak the year before. Times were rough. Less than 3 percent of women were part of the workforce, yet WMU also provided $250,000 for missions during that time.

I read a quote by Annie Armstrong from the 1903 Annual Report. She said, “Has not time vindicated the wisdom of our organization? … Let us ‘Go forward’ into the new year with faith strengthened by a glimpse into our past God-directed history; with courage strong to bear the burdens of today; knowing that Christ is with us ‘all the days’; and with hopes high because we are a part of that plan of the ages which shall sooner or later usher in the kingdom of our Lord.”

For 136 years, WMU’s focus has been to make disciples of Jesus who live on mission. The WMU Vision Fund allows us to continue making disciples of Jesus who live on mission, in every state and now in 50 countries around the world. Yes, indeed, the mission matters most.

The WMU Foundation and WMU are partnering together to promote the Mission Matters Most campaign. To celebrate our long heritage of missions, we are asking you to give to the Vision Fund, which supports the overall ministry of WMU. Would you join me in giving to the Vision Fund or becoming a monthly donor to the Vision Fund?

We can go forward together with confidence that God is with us. My hopes are high because I, too, know we are part of God’s plan, and He is still using WMU. Thank you for your willingness to join me in declaring to a lost world that the mission matters most by giving today to the WMU Vision Fund!


Thank You for all You have done and are continuing to do through WMU. Continue to use each one of us as we strive to make disciples of Jesus who live on mission. Thank You for allowing us the privilege of being on mission for You.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Connie Dixon serves as the president of WMU, SBC.