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Compassion Ministries

Human Trafficking Awareness

Did you know slavery still exists in the United States and throughout the world? Each day, men, women, boys, and girls are trafficked through labor and sexual exploitation. US law defines human trafficking as the use of force, fraud, or coercion of a person into commercial sex acts or labor. It is estimated 25 million people worldwide are currently victims of this type of abuse.

WorldCrafts artisan group The WellHouse fights human trafficking by extending our Father’s grace and creating opportunities for restoration to exploited women. Trafficked victims enter a safe residential environment where they receive spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical support.

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month. WMU offers several resources to learn more about human trafficking. Consider the following options to learn more and support the fight against human trafficking:

  • Purchase WorldCrafts products that are a part of the Support Freedom Campaign to support groups working to free women involved in or at risk of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
  • Lead your church through Trafficked: Fighting to be Free, a simulation for students and adults that teaches about the realities surrounding human trafficking and how to help rescued victims.
  • Take Human Trafficking: The Church’s Response, a self-guided minicourse that provides information about the human trafficking crisis and explains how WMU Compassion Ministries address the issue of human trafficking.

If you believe you have information about a potential trafficking situation, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911.