Oct 2022 Preschool Missions Friends Invitation WMU
Missions Discipleship

3 Ways to Invite Preschoolers to Come to Mission Friends!

For preschoolers and their families, starting something new can be a little bit scary. If preschoolers know that they will be welcomed with smiling faces and helping hands, this will encourage them to want to come to Mission Friends!

Here is a three-part way to make invitations to Mission Friends that will help your group let other preschoolers know that someone wants them to “Come to Mission Friends!”


Make a List of Who You Will Invite

Create a list of preschoolers you want to invite to Mission Friends. Gather mailing addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.


Part One: Make Handprint Invitations

Supplies: large mailing envelopes, finger paint, light-colored construction paper, markers, stickers

  • Pre-address large mailing envelopes with each new preschooler’s name and address. Preschoolers love to get mail with their names on it!
  • Help the preschoolers already in your Mission Friends class fold construction paper in half. Help each preschooler print his name at the top of the front of the card and make a paint handprint below. Allow handprints time to dry. Print names for preschoolers who cannot yet print their names.
  • Inside the card and print in big letters: “_____ wants you to come to Mission Friends!” Fill in the blank with the child’s name who made the handprint. Preschoolers can add drawings or stickers to decorate the inside of each card.
  • On the back of the cards, include the date, time, and meeting place of your Mission Friends group. Mail an invitation to each preschooler on your list.


Part Two: Make a Handprint Banner

Supplies: poster board or butcher paper, markers, hand wipes

  • Make a banner using poster board or butcher paper.
  • Use markers to print “Come to Mission Friends!” in large, bold, colorful letters on the poster board.
  • Help each preschooler use markers to trace a handprint on the banner. Help preschoolers print their names near their handprints. Allow them to color in their hands with markers.
  • Display the banner in a busy area of your church. Use the banner for part three of the invitation and as a welcome banner in your meeting space.


Part Three: Make a Video Using Your Banner

Supplies: handprint banner from part two, digital camera or phone

Caution: Always follow your church photography and videography guidelines when recording and sharing media including preschoolers.

  • Arrange preschoolers to stand in a group, either holding the banner or standing around the banner displayed on a wall. Create an invitation video, including smiling preschoolers and the group shouting, “Come to Mission Friends!”
  • Email the video to each family on your list. You may also send the video as a private message through texting and social media. Arrange to share the video during the announcement time of a church service.

by Suzanne Krein