Start Doing Your Homework
Believe it or not, fall is right around the corner. I know it’s hard to think about those crisp, cool, autumn months while the summer sun shines bright. But trust me, it’ll come faster than you think! That’s why this is the perfect time to do a little research.
Learning about missions is an important role of any leader. That means you’ve got to be up-to-date on all the latest and greatest stuff from the WMU family. The WMU Catalog is a great place to start. Peruse its pages and see if anything piques your interest? Are you interested in supporting refugees or women freed from human trafficking through WorldCrafts? Maybe you’re interested in starting a new missions discipleship program with your children? (I’m a little partial to Royal Ambassadors, myself!)
Whatever your interest may be, now is the time to start the planning process for the coming school year. Take time now to block out dates on your church calendar for events and service projects you’d like to plan. Put the word out for new leaders to step up and commit to another year of ministry. Your church isn’t going to do this on its own. If you want missions to be an integral part of your church’s ministry, you can’t wait around for someone else to do something. YOU have to do something!
So, set aside a little time this summer to explore all that WMU has to offer. I promise you’ll be glad you did.
by Zachariah Seanor