May 2023 Students Acteens Panelist blog
Missions Discipleship

How GA and Acteens Guided Me to Living Life On Mission

Missions has been a part of my life since I was in third grade. A friend in my Sunday School class invited me to attend Girls in Action on a Wednesday night. My life changed for the better that night because I was introduced to the world of missions. I was astonished that there were people that were courageous enough to pick up their whole lives to move to far away countries with the purpose of bringing the word of God to others.

Missions is an ongoing cycle of believers listening to God and discipling others. God’s purpose for us is to continue to pass the torch of the gospel of Jesus. It is our duty as Christians to be the light in this world and spread God’s light even in the midst of darkness.

It was not until I attended Camp Pinnacle, a summer camp in Georgia for Girls in Action and Acteens, that I was able to understand missions. I was blessed with the opportunity to meet with missionaries and their families. It was cool to see that missionary families are just like any other family. They have pets and their kids are involved in extracurricular activities, just like me! It was great to see the missionaries that I had the opportunity to pray for in person instead of just a picture in a magazine. I always pictured missions to be international; however, the majority of the missionaries I met were working to spread the gospel right here in the US.

One year at camp, I met a missionary family that was serving in Salt Lake City, Utah. They were working to reach a specific people group, the Latter-day Saints (Mormons). This was my first time hearing about Mormons, so I was fully engaged when they explained the challenges these missionaries faced in their beliefs.

Honestly, this inspired me to realize that I could pick up my cross and be on mission right where I was. I did not have to travel across the ocean to be a missionary. In fact, I could be on mission right where I was in the suburbs of Georgia. After hearing these missionaries’ stories, I was able to identify people that I could reach out to with the gospel. For one, there are a great number of Mormons at my high school that I can build connections with. In fact, there is a Mormon on my tennis team that I can reach with the love of God.

I know for a fact that God is continuously at work in me because I am not naturally an outgoing person at first. I often struggle to find the courage to confidently walk up to someone new to share God’s word. Through reading my Bible more consistently and familiarizing myself with His truth, I have grown bold in His word.

There are times when I can walk with the armor of God and face my internal battles of social anxiety by fearlessly sharing the teachings of Christ through His love. Although I still struggle to walk in complete faith and follow in the bold steps of Jesus, I trust that God is not finished with me. He is continuously working to shape and mold me with His righteous ways.

In understanding God’s calling for us as Christians to be on the move sharing his gospel, I am becoming more diligent in missions. Fortunately, I have had many opportunities to dive into the world of missions through Girls in Action, Acteens, and even Camp Pinnacle!

God is calling you, yes, you! He is calling you to be obedient and share the beauties of His word. “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (Matt. 9:37–38 NKJV). We are called as followers of Christ to be a part of the effort in spreading the word of God. There are so many unreached people in the world that are in desperate need of the gospel. We are blessed with the fruits of His word, so it is only right that we share it with others.

My challenge to you is to make a conscious effort to find ways to share the gospel with at least one person throughout the day. I understand the challenge that this request can bring, but God has given so much for us. Therefore, we should constantly try to share the gospel for the benefit of building His kingdom.

Taylor Glover 2023 Acteens PanelistTaylor Glover, a 2022 National Acteens Panelist, is from Fayetteville, Georgia, and attends Harps Crossing Baptist Church.