tea fugees
Missions Discipleship

Giving to Meet Refugees’ Needs

As we learn about refugees and the issues they face, this leads us to respond to their needs. What are ways that we can give in response to the needs of refugees?


Giving of your time will make a large impact as you commit to help refugees. When you give of your time, it shows that you place a priority on the people you are serving. Many cultures highly value relationships with others, and this requires time spent with one another. Ask God to lead you to give your time in ways that will glorify Him.

Pat is a Mission Friends teacher in her church, and she also teaches Mission Friends with preschoolers while their mothers are in an English as a Second Language class during the week. While not all of the internationals who attend are refugees, this is a way for Pat to give of her time to serve others in need.

Barbara leads a Bible study for a small group of women who are refugees. She often invites the women to her apartment for a simple time of tea together. She learned that most of the refugees have never been invited into an American’s home. This time together gives her opportunities for friendship and sharing the love of Christ with the women.


Giving of our resources might include giving financially, but this can also mean giving of other resources such as giving clothing, food, or supplies to a ministry that serves refugees. Search in your community or state for a ministry to refugees. Contact the ministry or search online to find the needs for donations. Become involved personally in giving or collecting items, and invite others in your church to join with you in helping to meet needs.

Your support helps two WorldCrafts artisan groups as they minister to refugees. Begin Anew Refugee Artisan Group and Refugee Sewing Society help refugees to learn skills, earn an income, become established in their new home, and hear of the hope in Christ.

A church provides apartments to refugees as they first arrive in America. Church members and others give non-perishable food to stock the pantry before a refugee family arrives. Another refugee ministry provides school supplies for refugee children throughout the school year.

These are a few examples of ways to give to help refugees. It does not take long to find the needs. Seek to give in order to minister to the needs of refugees, whether that is giving of your time, money, paper supplies, food, or clothing. Follow in obedience to God as He calls you to give so others may know Him.

by Joye Smith