Dec 2023 preschool article
Missions Discipleship

6 Simple Ways to Engage Preschoolers with the Reason for the Season

Christmas is a happy time! Preschoolers become very excited about the festivities centered around this season. We can use that excitement to engage preschoolers with the reason for the season — and the reason for missions — Jesus!

This is the perfect time of year to capture their excitement and teach them about the true meaning of Christmas and lead them to develop a heart for the world that God created and loves. Preschoolers can learn that Jesus came for all people, and He desires that everyone know about Him.

Here are six simple ways to incorporate missions with learning about the birth of Christ.

1. Arrange a child-friendly nativity set in your classroom.

Give each preschooler a piece of the set. Hold a Bible open to Luke 2:1–20 and Matthew 2:1–12 as you retell the story about the birth of Jesus. Encourage preschoolers to add their nativity piece when they hear about the character they are holding. Say: Jesus is God’s one and only Son. People everywhere need to know about Jesus. Open the Bible and read: Jesus was born in Bethlehem (see Matt. 2:1).

2. Invite preschoolers to bring a baby picture to class.

Encourage preschoolers to share how they have grown since they were a baby. Say: Jesus was a baby. He grew just like you are growing. He was kind and helped others. We can help others too. Open the Bible and read: Jesus grew (see Luke 2:52).

3. Invite people from other cultures to come and share.

Introduce guests as they share their country’s traditions and customs centered around celebrating the birth of Jesus. Ask the person to pray in their heart language. Encourage preschoolers to pray for the guest’s home country. Say: Jesus loves all people. People everywhere need to know about Jesus. Open the Bible and read: We want to tell people about Jesus (see Acts 4:20).

4. Provide opportunities for preschoolers and their families to work together on a missions project.

Choose the monthly Helping Others activity from Mission Friends Leader, a church-sponsored food distribution day, or another community event. Spend time encouraging preschoolers to talk about the importance of helping others and sharing Jesus’ love with others. Guide them to know that we want everyone to know about Jesus and how much He loves them. Say: When we help others, we can tell them about Jesus. Open the Bible and read: Jesus went about doing good (see Acts 10:38).

5. Share the story of Lottie Moon.

Talk about how the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering allows us to help missionaries all around the world. Share that the special offering helps missionaries tell others that Jesus was born, He grew up, and He loves us. Say: God wants everyone to know about His son, Jesus. Open the Bible and read: Tell people about Jesus (see Matt. 28:19).

6. God loved the world so much that He sent His son, Jesus.

Jesus loves all people and wants to have a relationship with each person. He wants us to tell others about His love. Preschoolers are old enough to learn that Jesus came to earth as a baby, grew into a man, and loves all people. Open the Bible and read: Jesus said, “I love you” (see John 15:9).

by Celeste Albaugh

Want to learn more about using Bible thoughts with preschoolers? Check out this blog!