Nervous and Excited: Acteens Panelist Talks about Sharing the Gospel for the First Time
Have you ever been nervous and excited at the same time? That is exactly how I felt this past summer when my Acteens group took a trip to Wyoming. This was one of the most memorable missions experiences I’ve experienced.
On that trip we shared our salvation story with people at the National Finals Rodeo. I was extremely excited! Not only was this south Texas girl going to see the Rocky Mountains and spend time with some of my sisters in Christ, I would have the opportunity to share the gospel with people.
Knowing What to Say
This was my first missions trip where we intentionally shared about Jesus. I was excited to share about Jesus, but I was nervous because I was not sure how to do it.
With the help of my Acteens leader, I wrote down my testimony and committed it to memory. Even though I memorized it, I was still nervous at the idea of talking to strangers. The idea of stepping out of my comfort zone scared me.
Knowing exactly what to say and how to express the hope, joy, and peace I had was difficult. There were so many things I wanted to say, but I did not know the right words to express my thoughts. I began sharing my testimony with family and friends to help overcome my fear. As I practiced with family and friends, I was better prepared to share the gospel with a complete stranger.
Allowing God to Speak through Me
The night we arrived, I shared the gospel with the waitress at a pizza restaurant. It was hard and I did not know how to say what I wanted to say. I was so worried that I stumbled and stuttered.
Later I reviewed Romans 6:23 and Romans 10:9. I began to think less about my words and focus more on what God was leading me to say. I completely gave my work and my words over to God. I had faith that God would speak through me and with His words I could reach the people I spoke to.
At the end of the day, I was blessed to see three people pray to receive Christ. I still remember them.
Through this experience God taught me so much. He showed me how to not worry, to be willing to step out of my personal bubble, and to trust Him to speak through me.
I am not saying that sharing the gospel is always easy. Sharing the gospel and winning souls for Christ is challenging and hard.
Distractions come and I have been discouraged. My heart ached as people turned away and rejected the gospel. My team and I spent a lot of time praying that God would send the people who were lost and needed the hope of Jesus. I prayed that God would work in their hearts so they would be reached and hear His voice calling them. I know that God is in control and that He is the King.
Tips for Sharing the Gospel
If you are preparing for a missions project, never stop praying. Have faith in what God will do.
Find people you trust and discuss the greatness of God and what He has done in your life. Find comfort as you share your story so when the time comes and God calls you to share the gospel with a total stranger, you will know what to say.
Let God take the wheel and guide the conversation. Let God speak through you and speak His light into the darkness even through distractions and discouragement.
Keep going and know Ephesians 2:10, “For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared ahead of time for us to do” (HCSB).
God has already given you everything you need to learn and to share the gospel with others. We are His workmanship. If He calls us to go, He has already given us everything we need. All we have to do is go, and let Him do the rest!
Hannah Rickman, a 2023 National Acteens Panelist, is from Kingsville, Texas, and attends Retama Park Baptist Church.