b'ROYAL AMBASSADORSRoyal Ambassadors (RA) is a missions RA PROMOTION PACKdiscipleship group for boys in grades 16. Help your boys learn about RA Watch your boys develop a heart forand how to be missions as they discover how missionarieson mission when they use the large are reaching the world around them.posters in this pack. This pack includes Check out the How to Lead RA tab atposters for the RA wmu.com/children for ideas and tips toPledge, RA Motto, help you lead your boys missions group. and RA Virtues.RESOURCES FOR ROYAL AMBASSADORS Identification ChevronsMissions Bible Memory Medals RA Advancement PlanRA Leader ChevronLad MembershipService Stars (pkg. 25)Lad Identification Chevron Advancement Bar BaseBronze Silver Gold Two Advancement Bar Base Crusader MembershipCrusader Identification ChevronLAD Advancement (Grades 13) Crusader Advancement (Grades 46)LAD 1 Pin LAD 2 Pin LAD 3 Pin PAGE 4 Pin SQUIRE 5 Pin KNIGHT 6 PinLAD 1 Bar LAD 2 Bar LAD 3 Bar PAGE 4 Bar SQUIRE 5 Bar KNIGHT 6 BarLAD 1 Advancement LAD 2 Advancement LAD 3 Advancement PAGE 4 Advancement SQUIRE 5 Advancement KNIGHT 6 AdvancementLAD 1 Physical Fitness LAD 2 Physical Fitness LAD 3 Physical Fitness PAGE 4 Physical Fitness SQUIRE 5 Physical Fitness KNIGHT 6 Physical Fitness12 wmustore.com WMU Catalog 202122'