March 2023 Adults blog
Missions Discipleship

Undeniably You! Sharing Your Gifts for the Spread of the Gospel in North America

Six years ago, my husband and I led a team of ten adults to replant a church in Richmond, Indiana. This was a big task, but I love to look back and see how God used each person uniquely.

Stephanie was an accounting major in college, and she used her skill with numbers to help us manage the church finances. Matt loved to work with his hands, and he led in taking care of the property. Lynn loved to paint, and she helped choose paint colors for the walls and made decorations for our new spaces.

Each one played a vital role in this new church’s beginning. Each one used his or her unique gifts and talents to support this missions work in our small town.

God has uniquely gifted you too!


God has gifted you with time. Regardless of what season of life you might find yourself in, God has given you unique opportunities. How can you steward your time to help support missions in North America?

    • Spend time in prayer in the mornings before you start your day or in the evenings before you go to sleep. Pray for local church planters, association workers, and pastors.
    • Use your lunch break to connect with North American missionaries through social media, email, or even through text.
    • Designate time each month to volunteer with a local missions organization, church plant, or community outreach group.
    • God has gifted you with talents. You have abilities (or skills) and hobbies that can be used for the growth of God’s kingdom. How can you steward your talents to help support missions in North America?
    • Can you use your professional skills to help a church plant with finances, human resources, or even building renovations?
    • Can you use your hobbies to assist a community outreach with graphic design, music lessons, or cooking classes?
    • Can you offer your skills in building, organizing, or cleaning after a natural disaster or time of crisis?
    • Can you share your talent of singing, gardening, writing, teaching, or serving with a church planter, a local association, or a ministry in your local community?


God has gifted you with treasures. We are so blessed, and God is honored when we give from our treasures to the spread of the good news. How can you steward your treasures to help support missions in North America?

    • God may be calling you to open your home for a Bible study, a meal for a neighbor, or even to host a local missionary family.
    • God may be calling you to use your finances to support a church planter or sponsor a missions trip for a college student or teenager.
    • God may be calling your family to join Him in a new area of North America either as a part of a church-planting team or on a short-term trip to provide disaster relief.

You have an important role in missions work in North America. God has given you unique gifts to use for His glory and the spread of the gospel. How can you steward those gifts to support North American missions?

Chris Conrades began her missions journey as a Mission Friend many years ago. She loves to use her gifts to lead others toward a passion for missions and discipleship. On most days you can find her at home with her family cooking, laughing, and playing board games.

This article originally appeared in the March 2022 issue of Missions Mosaic.

Image by Kristin Baldeschwiler from Pixabay