Oct 2022 spotlight update Martyn
Missions Discipleship

Spotlight Update: Sam and Olivia Martyn

Sam and Olivia Martyn* continue to see God at work since moving and adjusting to life in the European country where they now serve. They appreciate your prayers for their language studies, as everyone is making good progress. The Lord has faithfully provided more laborers for the harvest, adding two long-term families and three single adults to their team. Thrilled to have teammates again, Sam and Oliva anticipate all God has in store.

The local language-speaking international church focused on reaching the Central Asian people in their city has been launched. The team distributed 200 New Testaments during a street outreach event and hopes to do more throughout the year. The new website offering free Bibles is already providing contacts for follow-up by the team. Pray these contacts would lead to new relationships and open hearts.

With all the good news, the Martyns have also experienced tragedy, as Sam’s father passed away in August. Sam traveled alone to the States, and Olivia and the children remained to begin the new school year. They appreciate your prayers over this loss.

As their oldest son begins his senior year and prepares for college in the States, the Martyns covet your prayers for him and all that lies ahead. His brother and sister will follow the same path within two years, so changes are coming for everyone.

*Names changed.

by Carol Ghattas