the new year is here
Missions Discipleship

Ringing In the New Year

This is not your typical New Year. There is no party in Times Square, no big glittery ball dropping at midnight, and tomorrow’s date will be in the same year as today’s date. However, for the church members who work with children’s missions groups, a new year is just beginning!

This fall, we will be introducing our new theme, Be Bold. And we have a few tips to make sure that this year is a success.

Plan a party

What better way to kick off a new year in children’s missions than by having a party? Invite the children in your church, the children in your neighborhood, and all their friends. Whether it’s a movie night, a sleepover or lock-in, or dinner and games, a kickoff party gets everyone ready to begin a new year of missions.

Break the ice

One of the most important things to do when leading a children’s missions group or a Bible study of any kind is to develop relationships. Make sure children are getting to know everyone in their group. Children new to the church or from the neighborhood may be shy and feel left out if they don’t know any of the other children. Encourage children to talk to and include everyone, not just those in their normal friend group. Having friends and feeling like they are an important part of the group will keep children coming back week after week, month after month, and, hopefully, year after year.

Make (and keep) resolutions

Breaking resolutions like exercising every day, eating healthy, and promising to read more books this year is expected. But when it comes to the salvation of the lost and the needs of our communities, we cannot afford for resolutions to be broken. Resolve to spend time in prayer for the children you will be leading. Resolve to continuously pray for the hurting community around your church. Resolve to pray for the hearts of those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Resolve to pray for the missionaries serving all over the world. Resolve to share the gospel with all the children you lead. Resolve to push those children to share the gospel with their friends and family.

With a little preparation, a lot of prayer, and a room full of excitement, you are on your way to leading a fun and successful year of children’s missions.


by Jessica Ingram