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Missions Discipleship

Living Authentic Faith in Christ

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 NIV

Authentic means real, genuine, or true. Faith is believing in a God we do not see with our physical eyes, yet we can know Him because He has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. Jesus told His followers the truth about faith: All faith comes through Jesus the Son of God.

As teachers and parents, we know that preschoolers are the smartest people in the world. We do not have to tell them if we have a headache, if we did not sleep well, or if something is bothering us. They intuitively know by our actions, expressions, and demeanor. Preschoolers can also tell if we live an authentic faith-filled life in Christ.

With child-like faith, preschoolers can read people like a good book. They are always watching, learning, and imitating. As leaders of Mission Friends, we are a walking and breathing example of what it means to live with an authentic faith in Jesus. With such a tender and receptive audience surrounding us, the daily pursuit of a deeper and even more authentic faith in the Lord is imperative.

Many say that real life is hard, but our perspective is that a very real God is in control, no matter what happens. Jesus promised us that all things will work for our good (Romans 8:28). Life happens, but trust in God is eternal. During a hard time, a teacher was approached three times during one week. Each conversation was about authentic faith in Christ. One person was a Christian, while the other two are not yet Christians. Two parents requested prayer and one said that the teacher showed faith. All three were parents of her students and were witness to how she was living her life. Children know their teachers.

God still speaks through the Bible and other people. He also listens. God hears the prayers of a small child praying with her teacher and a class of Mission Friends praying for missionaries. We can speak with God as naturally as we speak with each other. When we say, “Thank You, God, for Susan,” she learns that God knows our names, loves us, and cares for us individually. We know that many times, children come to know Christ because He is a normal and natural part of their lives. They cannot see God, but they can see us. What an awesome opportunity to be Christlike!

When others see Jesus in us, He can become real to them. Surely this type of authentic faith is laying foundations for future faith!


Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your gift of eternal salvation. Help us, Lord, to remember the importance of living a life overflowing with an authentic faith found only in You. Be with us as we faithfully live our lives, pray, love others, and teach our preschoolers of Your love. Amen.


By Wendy Dever