Missions Discipleship

Global Hunger Relief: Children Can Make a Difference

Hunger is one of the most challenging needs we face today. How is it that some have so much while others have so little? As a part of the Global Hunger Relief initiative of the Southern Baptist Convention, churches around the country will have the opportunity to learn about, pray for, and give to one of the most basic needs of human existence. In fact, a staggering 100% of all funds given on Global Hunger Sunday (October 11) will go directly to providing food for those in need.

In addition to your financial gifts, I’d like to issue a challenge to all of our children’s leaders out there. Children often have a difficult time understanding the importance of special offerings like these because they can’t see with their own eyes where or how their gifts are used. I challenge you to help them see the direct connection between the need and the gift. Organize a canned food drive by collecting nonperishable items to give to a local community food bank. Take your children’s groups to pass out food to people in need in your own community. Look for hands-on experiences that will show your children that God can use them to make a difference in this world.

I challenge you to take the words of our Savior to heart: “I was hungry. And you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty. And you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger. And you invited me in” (Matthew 25:35 NIrV).


by Zachariah Seanor